We headed out for the MD FTC Robotic championship at 5:30am on Saturday morning a bit bleary eyed and with high hopes. I think all of the scouts had high hopes but none of us expected do do as well as we did - we won!
We placed 4th overall in the Qualifying rounds which gave us an automatic placement in the championship round as an "Alliance captain". It was pretty cool to see the Boys as one of the selecting teams rather than hoping to be selected as in previous years.
There is a good bit of strategy in selecting partners and the #1 ranked qualifying team (Team 2843, Under the Son) asked us to join them in an alliance and we did so. The third and final member of our alliance was team # 7, Tactical Sheep. The second picture shows all the teams of the winning alliance, from left to right Tactical Sheep, Under the Son and Team 3113, The Craftsmen.
The championship round is played tournament style, with the four alliances playing in a seeded format, best 2 out of 3 matches. Our alliance won it's semi - final match 2 games to zero. The finals were very close (we split the first two rounds) and the last match had to be re-run due to a technical issue with the field. The fourth match was a thing of beauty as all for robots (Under the Son and our robot vs G-Force and their partner) performed very well. The last picture shows the end of the match with all four robots balancing on the bridge (extra Points). Still we managed to eek out a win at 52 - 50!
The tournament itself was very well run - hats of the Professor Jeff Tjiputra, the College of Southern Maryland and all the volunteers how really made this event both work like a Swiss clock and be really a lot of fun.
Now we need to see if we get invited to the National tournament in St Louis.....
This is the blog for Team 3113 and we are competing in the First Tech Challenge Robotics Competition. Our team is made up of Boy Scouts from Troop 793
Monday, December 13, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
dECEMBER 10, 2010

Holden, andrew, Scott, Jared, Mr.Lanterman, Connor, Sean, Matt, Logan, Grant, Brad
Sean- Is moving Samantha and NXT to protect them from damage
Scott, Andrew, and Logan are re-gearing the drive system
Holden is replacing the Autonomous Program to allow for the new devices
Grant is redoing the presentation because we lost the original one.
Now all of us are testing our robot autonimous, Since we re geared the bot we need to retest the distance to time ratio.
WE have a working autonomous that drops the bridge and balances it WELL DONE GUYS!!!
Andrew taught us how to tighten a bolt
WE have a working autonomous that drops the bridge and balances it WELL DONE GUYS!!!
Andrew taught us how to tighten a bolt
The Last Build Session before the MD Competition
Well here we are - the last build session before the competition
We have a good bit to do tonight, but I think we can get it done and done well. There is one hitch - I have an appointment in DC this afternoon and likely will not be back to the house until a little after 5:00
Here's a list of items I'd like the boys to focus on
(1) Re-Gear the Drive system - last night the team determined that the stress issues we're having with the robot can be greatly reduce if we re-gear the drive system to have smaller gears driving larger ones (our current one works in the opposite direction. There is an example set up next to the robot and the main thing is it doesn't require a lot of rebuilding. I would like Scott, Andrew, David and Logan to focus on this first thing
(2) We need to move both Samantha and the NXT module to safe locations (on top of the robot). Both need to easily accessible per the rules. Sean this change is your first task.
(3) We need to re-calibrate the autonomous programs to take into account the gearing change. The program logic does not need to be altered just the power and run time parameters. Holden, please take the lead.
(4) We need to finish the Engineering notebook - including a description of tonight's activities. We also need to finish the Robot Spec sheet and presentation. Conner / Grant / Jared please work together to get this done.
(5) we need to formalize our game strategy and pit crew assignments - Matt please take the lead
Given the early start on Saturday (the boys need to be here at 5:00am!, mary Beth and I are more than happy to have any or all of the boys sleep over. While the accommodations may not be regal, I can guarantee a nice pancake breakfast in the AM
ALL boys and parents need to bring safety glasses / goggles to the competition saturday. This rule is strictly enforced and you will not be able to participate if you forget.!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
December 8, 2010
People present: Brad, Connor, Sean, Matt, Holden, Scott
We are having a problem with the wheels because the bot is too heavy. Airgo, WE NEED TO DO THIS TOMMOROW!!!
We are having a problem with the wheels because the bot is too heavy. Airgo, WE NEED TO DO THIS TOMMOROW!!!
Things to do and things done
1)Magazine was too narrow, batons where getting hung up. Magazine was widened FIXED
2)Bridge lowering devise was too long, it exceeded 18” we shortened it. FIXED
3)Aiming shoot is 3/4in too far right
4)Bridge devise was damaging bridge added angles to bridge devise end FIXED
5)Difficult centering baton dispenser added alignment strips for visual aid FIXED
6)Loading angles need to be moved 1/4in FIXED
7)Bridge devise was backwards program switched FIXED we smoked a motar :(
8)All programming speeds where lowered for more persistence FIXED
9)autonomous program was tested at 1,2, and 3 sec. For a distance calculation FIXED
10)Conveyor tabs where too long to fit on the bot to the ground FIXED
11)NXT brackets where blocking movement on bridge Moved NXT FIXED
December 7, 2010
People present: matt, Logan, Connor, Andrew, Holden, Sean, Mr.Pontius,
Today we will work on programming and testing.
Testing notes-
Bolt and nut fell of arm during testing.
Missed rolling goal (put an angle on baton dispenser)
Got an autonomous program
Aiming problems (we are using zip ties for visual aid)
We turned the bot in perfect line up with the bridge
Bot specs
Sunday, December 5, 2010
December 5, 2010
Holden, Brad, Grant, Connor, Mr. Pontius, Andrew, Scott, Sean, Matt, Logan
our zip tie mechanism resembles Groucho Marx's eyebrows!
Andrew is making the bridge push.
Scott is working on baton support as the batons go up the conveyor.
We are also wiring the robot.
We tested our robot and we got a burnt motor and loose motor. This motor is being replaced.
December 4, 2010
Brad,Connor ,Scott, Sean, Mr.Reidy, Andrew, Mr.Pontius, Holden
Today we organized our supplies. We added a new way to drop the batons.
We added a bottom to the baton collector.
Holden made a testing autonomous program.
We made our zip tie loading mechanism.
Holden made a testing autonomous program.
We made our zip tie loading mechanism.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
November 30, 2010

People present- , HoldenGrant, Mr. Tinker, Mr.Reidy, Mr.Pontius, Sean, Logan, Andrew, Connor, Matt
Grant is continuing to make the presentation.
Sean and Holden are tsting the servo that push's the unbalanced bridge down, they are also building a desighn that can pull the roller goal on the bridge.
Everyone else are tightening the bolts and adding the internal Plexiglas. They also thickened the robots frame.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
November 28, 2010(Connor's back)

Connor is back to be the engineering journalist. I give Jared a thanks for taking my place during my time of need. Thanks Jared!
People present- Brad, Jared, Pontius, Mr.Lanterman, Connor, Scott, Logan, Matt, Grant. Grant is working on the robot presentation Brad is making a robot stand to hold the bot. All others are completing the conveyor belt to collect the baton.
The baton collector got stuck. There was a stuck bushing. They are fixing it.
The baton collector axle is too short. We will fix it.
A big problem, 2 pieces of aluminum are rubbing together. We are putting a bushing in between them.
We also used a wrong bracket on a gear.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
November 22 Meeting Report

Tonight we worked on the conveyor belt for the baton arm. Sean and Jared worked on prototyping a storage device for the robot. Holden downloaded the programs onto the LEGO® Mindstorms® device, and Brad worked on mounting a second conveyor belt to stabilize the batons. The Lantermans brought cupcakes for the team to enjoy.
Practice update: 11/22/10
A lot of progress was made on the mobility programming - through the use of exponentials Holden, Andrew and Sean have designed a drive program that has multiple speeds - fast for moving around / going over the mountain and slow for finesse driving (approaching the baton dispensers and rolling goals.
The program will still need to be tweaked but the team made great progress
The ground clearance issue we had at the last scrimmage seems to be fixed as the bot easily goes over the mountain. We still need to reinforce the design to withstand future practice rounds and the competition itself.
The program will still need to be tweaked but the team made great progress
The ground clearance issue we had at the last scrimmage seems to be fixed as the bot easily goes over the mountain. We still need to reinforce the design to withstand future practice rounds and the competition itself.
Arm Replaced by Conveyor Belt
After a lot of unsuccesful testing and the "smoking" of one DC motor, the team decided to replace the pivot arm with a conveyor belt drive system. We think this has the following advantages and disadvantages over the arm design:
- A lot more stable as the bulk of the conveyor belt is fixed in place - less strain on the engine and less chance that it can come loose or out of alignment as the 'bot bumps around on the field.
- The conveyor allows for some additional baton storage - which will be helpful as storing the batons from the low goal was proving difficult
- The arm design that was replaced had a dual function to push down the balance bridge. That functionality will need to be replaced with some servo's and swing arms, which may add complexity to our design and, more importantly, the programing
- A lot more stable as the bulk of the conveyor belt is fixed in place - less strain on the engine and less chance that it can come loose or out of alignment as the 'bot bumps around on the field.
- The conveyor allows for some additional baton storage - which will be helpful as storing the batons from the low goal was proving difficult
- The arm design that was replaced had a dual function to push down the balance bridge. That functionality will need to be replaced with some servo's and swing arms, which may add complexity to our design and, more importantly, the programing
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Programing Notes
Here are Holden's notes about the exponential factors we are trying to use in the programing for the joy stick control of the drive motors. The team feels it's important to have both speed and finesse driving capabilities given the need to dock with the baton dispensers and the fact that this will be a very crowded field.
Using exponentials for motor power should work but we've been having issues with control.
Using exponentials for motor power should work but we've been having issues with control.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
We participated in a scrimmage at the Glenelg Country School with 6 other teams
We were able to test a lot of the robot's functionality and discovered the following:
The exponential factors used in the programing for the Joy-stick drive are not allowing any speed modifications - we need to rethink this approach
We need an arm to push the balance bridge down at least an inch so the large front wheels can go over it. One team had zip ties on their wheels to act as treads
The baton dispensers work fine but are rotating too fast - hard to keep track of the number of batons
We need to reverse the direction of some bolts that are holding an undercarriage brace so the robot clears the peak of the mountain
The robot goes over the mountain easily and is braced well.
We were able to test a lot of the robot's functionality and discovered the following:
The exponential factors used in the programing for the Joy-stick drive are not allowing any speed modifications - we need to rethink this approach
We need an arm to push the balance bridge down at least an inch so the large front wheels can go over it. One team had zip ties on their wheels to act as treads
The baton dispensers work fine but are rotating too fast - hard to keep track of the number of batons
We need to reverse the direction of some bolts that are holding an undercarriage brace so the robot clears the peak of the mountain
The robot goes over the mountain easily and is braced well.
November 21,2010
People present: Scott,Brad,Logan,Andrew,Connor,Sean,Holden,Mr.Reidy,Mr.Pontious
Software- Debugging program, graphing to figure out the best powercurb
Mobility and maneuverability-They are TAKING OUT THE ARM and putting a conservator belt.
We need to 3/16 in from the paddle
Software- Debugging program, graphing to figure out the best powercurb
Mobility and maneuverability-They are TAKING OUT THE ARM and putting a conservator belt.
We need to 3/16 in from the paddle
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Everyone needs to post at least 2 strategies for the AUTONOMOUS period.
The Scoring is as follows:
parking a robot on a cliff: 3
parking a robot on the mountain/unbalanced bridge: 5
parking a robot on a balanced bridge: 15
Robot on dispensing side: 10
Dispensing Batons: 2 per baton
The Scoring is as follows:
parking a robot on a cliff: 3
parking a robot on the mountain/unbalanced bridge: 5
parking a robot on a balanced bridge: 15
Robot on dispensing side: 10
Dispensing Batons: 2 per baton
Get That Survey In!!!
The Engineering Notebook needs the survey results of the survey Connor sent out.
If you forgot the questions, please see below.
If you forgot the questions, please see below.
What are some hobbies you have?
- How old are you?
- Can you give us some family info (optional)?
- What sports do you play?
- Why do you want to be on the team?
- What is your favorite food, football team (college, pro or both), baseball team(optional), color, and animal?
November 14,2010

Attendance: Jared, Scott, Connor, Logan, James, Andrew, Grant, Sean, Holden, Brad, Mr. Lanterman, Mr. Reidy, Mr. Parry, Mr. Pontius
Programming is doing the wiring instructions, which will help with the programming of the robot and running it.
Baton Manipulation is working on an arm to convey the batons to the goals. They are considering either a conveyor belt or a moving arm with a bucket on the end to hold batons.
Mobility is helping baton manipulation.
Connor is doing a "flat plan" of the field, and will be doing one of the robot when it is done.
Programming had a bad setup. This means that what does what is wrong. They fixed this HUGE problem by recoding the system.
-Jared Lanterman

Thursday, November 11, 2010
2010 November 11, 2010
Tonight, we have a small attendance, with 4 people. Holden and Sean are on programming, and Jared and Logan are working on the actual robot. Of course, this is only at the start of the meeting. The Riedys have provided pizza, with two cheese, one white, and one pepperoni. To day we will start to temporary wire the robot up to test if the programs written by the programing team, ( the programs written do work on their test bed) work on the real robot. We will then finalize a arm design for the robot.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
November 7, 2010

People present: Grant, Holden, Brad, James, Scott, Andrew, Jared, Mr. Riedy, Mr. Lanterman, Mr.Pontious, Mr.Parry, Sean.
Brad, Sean, and Holden are

All other teams are working on widening, and wiring the robot. We are also building prototype baton baskets.
Programming- Working on strategy during autonomous and all the code for telop (RC) is working. They are also working on code for the autonomous period.
Here's a picture from the 11/7 session where we are rebuilding the Robot's frame to make it both a bit wider and more rigid.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
November 4 Meeting Report
The meeting tonight was very successful. On programming, Holden and Brad worked on
a program for a dispensing arm and a program for the baton manipulation device. Baton Manipulation, including Jared, James, and Logan, worked on a superstructure, or a frame, for the robot. They also prototyped a baton scoring arm. This was starting as a thing with a bucket on the end used to hold batons. this changed to the same plan from the bottom, which was prototyped and named by Logan as "a Claw". Finally, Jared added a different end, which allowed it to dispense into one of the rolling goals. This is the prototype in the picture. He calls this the "T-Bar"
Sunday, October 31, 2010
October 28, 2010 Meeting Report
Today we made some progress on the robot and on Samantha. Jared, Scott, and Logan worked on the robot's baton system and made it better. The Programming team; Brad, Sean, and Holden; tested the tele-op program using joysticks and servos. Connor wasn't here to do the blog, so Jared updated the info instead.
The Baton Manipulation team had a couple of problems. On the wheels, they had a stuck gear. This would remove a lot of mobility to get over the mountain. They had to remove a gear to find out what gear it was, and then lubricated the gear. Finally, they replaced the gear they removed.
They also found that a gear was to low, so they inserted a flat piece of metal to raise the gear. That fixed the issue.
Mr. Lanterman helped with the Baton Manipulation team, and Mr. Reidy helped with Baton Manipulation and Programming
Tonight we had pizza provided by the Reidys and sugar cookies provided by the Lantermans.
The next meeting will be sometime on Friday, November 5th, when we have off school.
Have a safe and Happy Halloween!
Monday, October 25, 2010
10/24 Meeting Report
We made a lot of great progress last night.
On the programming front, Holden, Sean and Bradley were able to get
the programming to to allow for teleop control (using the game
controllers) to get both the engines and servo's to respond to driver
commands. We should be able to test drive the robot in a week or so
at this rate
Scott, Andrew and Logan worked on the Robot's structure and using a
design idea from Sean, redesigned the spinners that we plan to use to
extract the batons from the dispensers. A few manual field tests show
some improvement in timing for the rotation and it looks like this
idea will work. The new design uses the long axels and some "L"
brackets and appears to be much simpler than our previous concept. As
we've learned before, in robot design simple is almost always better!
Andrew and Logan continued to prototype ideas for a magazine to hold
the captured batons and a rotating arm to move them to be able to score.
Lastly, Scott and Andrew were forced to re-design the drive train
given where the batons will be stored and we will likely be moving
from four engines driving the robot (one in each corner) to two
centrally located engines driving each side (one per side). We'll
need to test how this works on the field and obstacles in the next
week or so.
The next meeting will be Thursday (10/28) from 6:00 - 8:00pm. We'll
have pizza waiting for the boys, please let me know of any dietary
preferences / restrictions.
Given next Sunday is Halloween, there will be NO PRACTICE on Sunday
On the programming front, Holden, Sean and Bradley were able to get
the programming to to allow for teleop control (using the game
controllers) to get both the engines and servo's to respond to driver
commands. We should be able to test drive the robot in a week or so
at this rate
Scott, Andrew and Logan worked on the Robot's structure and using a
design idea from Sean, redesigned the spinners that we plan to use to
extract the batons from the dispensers. A few manual field tests show
some improvement in timing for the rotation and it looks like this
idea will work. The new design uses the long axels and some "L"
brackets and appears to be much simpler than our previous concept. As
we've learned before, in robot design simple is almost always better!
Andrew and Logan continued to prototype ideas for a magazine to hold
the captured batons and a rotating arm to move them to be able to score.
Lastly, Scott and Andrew were forced to re-design the drive train
given where the batons will be stored and we will likely be moving
from four engines driving the robot (one in each corner) to two
centrally located engines driving each side (one per side). We'll
need to test how this works on the field and obstacles in the next
week or so.
The next meeting will be Thursday (10/28) from 6:00 - 8:00pm. We'll
have pizza waiting for the boys, please let me know of any dietary
preferences / restrictions.
Given next Sunday is Halloween, there will be NO PRACTICE on Sunday
Sunday, October 24, 2010
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