
Sunday, February 27, 2011

2/27/11 58 days 1410 hours till world

People present: Grant, Logan, Jared L, Mr.lanterman, Brad, Holden, Scott, Sean, Connor, Andrew, Mr.pontious, Matt, James.
Today we are fixing the controller modes.
Today we want to fix the drive train. One side of the drive system was limp.
Today we will figure out how to make an autonomous using the Inferred sensor.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


People present: Jared, Holden, James, Sean, Mr. Lanterman, Grant, Scott, Connor, Logan, brad, MAtt.
GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!
We where invited to world competition in St.Louis.
Now we have 2 months to test and innovate the the bot to the point that it cannot be improved anymore. Good job working hard and getting all the way to word.
Today we will be testing and finishing wiring.

Monday, February 21, 2011


People present: Holden, Jared, Mr.lanterman, Matt, Connor, Andrew, Logan, Mr. Pontious.
Today we are testing our IR sensor with our little friend Watson. We found that when the robot gets too close to the beacon the robot starts moving left and right frantically
Holden and Jared are using Watson 4 and Watson 5 to program and test our IR sensor.
The rest of our team are wiring the bot.


Watson 4 testing our IR sensor.
Jared fixing watson 4
Jared and our test robot Watson 4.

Our bridge pusher located at the top of our bot.
Our baton collector.
Our baton spinner collector.
Our new speedy quick drive train.
Our baton turner used to put batons in the rolling goal.
Our baton dispenser system.
Our bull-nose used to aim the rolling goal scoring.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


People present:Scott, Connor, Grant, Holden, Matt, James, Brad, Jared, Mr. Lanterman, Logan, Andrew, Mr.Pontious
Things to do:

-bull nose stop (to stop from hitting conveyor belt)
-wiring, ALL OF IT!!
- mount power switch
-mount motor boxes (securely)
-measure time of full battery to unusable
-charge everything
-test conveyor belt timing and dump
-test time for robot to get from start to doubler baton
-test bull nose
- remove random servo that is lose in robot
-mount big battery pack
-build box/guard to protect lego motor/servo
-remove front servo?
-test, test, test.

Today we discovered a battery life problem, we plan to have as many fully charged batterys at hand during the competition.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


People present-Grant, Logan, Mr.Pontious, Connor, Sean, Jared, Holden, James, Brad.
We are changing the bull-nose motor from a servo to a Lego motor.
Then we are testing and programming the new drive train.
Jared, Grant, and James are still building and testing Lego robotics to learn how to program.
We are using a compass censor to make sure we do not lock on to the wrong goal.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

What Went Well and What Could Have Gone Better at the PA Qualifier

Last Thursday, a survey was taken to see what people thought went well and what could have been improved at the PA Qualifier. To the left are the results of the survey, and below is a poll where you can vote on what you think went well and could have gone better at the PA qualifier, and your response will be added to the table and charts.



People present: Jarid, Connor, James, Mr.Lanterman, Scott, Sean, Grant, Holden, Brad, Mr.Pontious, Andrew.
Today our young programmers are building a test bed to help them learn how to program.
Scott, Andrew, and Sean are finishing the new drive train.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


People present:Connor, Grant, Logan, Jarid, Mrs Lanterm, Brad, Holden, Sean(sick, so just popping in)
Jarid and Grant are learning how to program for future competions

Everyone else is working on finding out what we want to change withour drive system.


people present: Scott, Matt, Logan, James, Sean, Brad, Grant, Jarid, Mrs Lanterman.
Tonight we are working on improving the drive train and we are recapping onj what happened at the PA qualifier competition and how we did and how we can improve