
Monday, October 26, 2009

FTC Announcement

Guys - we received the following announcement from FTC.  It details some of the feild control and other software we need to use for this year's competition.  Scott / Sean - lets make sure we've downloaded the correct versions.

Here is the email w/ links

Hello Teams!

This is team email blast number 8 for the 2009 FTC Season.  You should expect to receive weekly email blasts from us.  The Team Email Blast is generally the way we communicate information about the program to you.  That information could include competition specific news, software updates, trainings, or anything else we think you might like to know.  This email is intended for FTC teams and is sent to the main contact listed in your team record.

1.       Field Controller Station – The FCS is now available in BETA version on the USFIRST website. Please download it, use it and send any feedback you have about the FCS or the FCS Manual to us at  Put FCS Feedback in the subject line and make sure to tell us which version you are working with (full version, Win Executable or Mac Executable).

                Load the FTC FCS Program if you don’t have LabVIEW loaded on your computer.

Load the FTC FCS Windows Executable if you do have LabVIEW loaded on your computer.

Load the FTC FCS Mac Executable if you are using an Apple product.

2.       Competition Templates – Download your competition templates from here: 

Remember, you must use the official competition templates to pass the software portion of the robot inspection at tournaments.

3.       Countdown to FTC Events – The competition season is fast approaching – How are you preparing?  Now is a great time to learn more about the programming languages available to FTC teams:

       for your LabVIEW needs

       for your ROBOTC needs

       for tools to help you get started

Go Teams!
~FTC Support

FIRST TM (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology)

Being a Gracious Professional involves respecting yourself, your team, other teams, and everyone around you. It is a way of doing things with a competitive spirit, without making anyone feel like a loser. Gracious Professionalism is a way of interacting with other people respectfully, doing excellent work, and promoting teamwork and appreciation of others.

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